samedi 3 décembre 2011

Now Bing Powers Yahoo Organic Search...

...All Over The World Barring Korea. It's official now. Yahoo search is powered by Bing, whether it is a desktop search or a mobile one. Yahoo has given the lead to Microsoft Bing.

The only exception is of Korea where this algorithmic transition has not yet happened.

Yahoo Powered Bing

As Yahoo declared that the transition process is complete, and also explained why Korea remains outside the loop, Yahoo! has completed the algorithmic transition to Bing in all global markets (except Korea), across desktop and mobile, for all Yahoo! and syndication traffic. This has been a huge effort spanning 20-plus months involving many people across Yahoo! and Microsoft. Only Korea, which involves a three-way integration between Yahoo, Microsoft and Daum, remains, and is expected to complete by the end of the year.

This process of transferring the search algorithms started in August 2010, when Yahoo Search stopped providing their own algorithmic search results in the USA and Canada. The process of transfer has been slow and they have moved one country at a time, whilst Yahoo handing over their search technology and search engine to Microsoft.

The transfer process has not been easy, as Yahoo explains the process, We had to confirm Bing could handle Yahoos capacity across multiple global datacenters, including new ones that were brought online to serve the needs of the Search Alliance. The fact that all the cutovers went remarkably smoothly and were essentially non-events from an operational perspective is a testament to the thorough job both teams did.

Yahoo Bing

Now, the transition is nearly complete, with the exception of Korea. And that too will be done by the end of 2011. The transition wave reached Australia, Brazil and Mexico, and then Yahoo UK was powered by Bing. The Bing Yahoo Search alliance reached Asia markets in September, and now it is nearly done.

This transition is for organic search only. Paid search transition is still mid way. Do you think this search alliance will impact Google in any way? Do leave your comment.


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