mardi 1 novembre 2011

Yahoo! Bing Transitions Expand To Asia Markets

Yahoo! and Bing have expanded combined search engine operation service for the Asian users. The markets that will come under the purview of this service include...

...Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam. However, a notable exception will be that of Korea.

In fact Yahoo! and Bing recently completed this algorithmic transition for the European markets of Greece, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Switzerland (in German, French and Italian languages, i.e. the three main languages of that country).

Yahoo and Bing

In August the duo announced a similar step for the following countries/regions- Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Russia, the Netherlands, Sweden and MENA (Middle East and North African countries, in Arabic language). And that announcement had again come close on the heels of other similar announcements, wherein Yahoo! and Bing had informed about the launch of this service in various other countries, such as New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, USA, Mexico, France, Germany, India, Italy, Spain and UK.


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